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Rabbi's Sermon Rosh Hashanah Day 1 


Rabbi's Sermon Rosh Hashanah Day 2

Rabbi's Sermon Erev Yom Kippur


Kol Nidre Appeal: Dr. Paul Chaskes


Rabbi's Sermon Yom Kippur



Rabbi Fruithandler's Sermons

Rosh Hashanah Day 1


Rosh Hashanah Day 2



All Services are In Person &

Wednesday, October 16

K-2 Dance Party

Sign Up Here

Erev Sukkot Service



Thursday, October 17

Sukkot Day 1 Service

Kiddush in the Sukkah

Graham Cracker Sukkot & Service  with the Rabbi for our ECE Families



Friday, October 18

Sukkot Day 2 Service

Kiddush in the Sukkah

Kabbalat Shabbat Service

followed by:

The Susi Schuster Sukkot Oneg


Sunday, October 20

Brunch in the Hut


Tuesday, October 22nd

WJC's Women's Group

From House to Home:

7:30pm - in the Sukkah


Wednesday, October 23


Hoshana Rabah Service


Thursday, October 24

Shmini Atzeret with Yizkor

Yizkor ~10:15am

Simḥat Torah Celebration

Families Welcome!

Honoring our new religious school students.

Friday, October 25

Simḥat Torah Service


Extra High Holy Day Info 


Poem for Rosh haShannah

Larry Spiro
October 2024

I  am pleased to recite this poem to you and honored to do so on Rosh HaShanna. This poem is about love, family, tradition and as requested-Isreal.  Reciting this takes a lot out of me so I ask that you listen quietly as I recite it to you.Janet and I  facetime  every Friday morning  with our oldest son Russel, who decided to make Aliah and enjoy life in Isreal.

This poem is written as a dramatic dialogue.

The echo within corners of a son to his parents

Hi mom and dad, I wish to stay in Israel, to study and pray.

I love it here. Please say its OK.

Chorus: Son we love you and support your decision. We love you so much, you have our permission.

Aside: Son, we miss you please find a way, to come home there is playlight today.

Hi mom and dad I have a perfect job, please say its OK, I love Jerusalem and I would like to stay.

 Chorus: Son, we love you and support your decision. We love you so much, you have our permission.

Aside: Son, we miss you please find a way, to come home there is playlight today.

Mom and Dad, I wish to find a wife I am excited to start a family and live a Jewish life.

Chorus: Son, we love you and support your decision. We love you so much, you have our permission.

Aside: Son, we miss you please find a way, to come home there is playlight today.

We traveled to Israel to celebrate his marriage with seven Baruhchas.  We went to Dan Sachar Park   where there were people throwing frisbees and families strolling carriages.

We played piano in Ben yahudah square and music and peace were everywhere.

Mom and dad, I HAVE WONDERFUL NEWS. We will be having a child, a grandchild for you.

Naomi   born on Shavuot is as beautiful and sweet as can be.  We went to Israel to see her first smile as she sat upon grandma’s knee.

On October 7, 2023, Simchas Torah 5784, evil had its most wicked day.  It was too near.

Son, we heard and saw the news and we have great fear. 

Son, come home we have room.  You can be safe with us as war is to loom.

There was Silence………….

Mom and Dad we are all doing our part, lines to give blood, and funding shelters here. There is no threat in Jerusalem so please lighten your fear.

Chorus: Son, we love you and support your decision. We love you so much, you have our permission.

Aside: Son, we miss you please find a way, to come home there is playlight today.

Son, Your Mom, your brother and I are coming to Jerusalem on Passover.  We have made our plans and can’t wait to see everyone once more. 

Mom and Dad I will be so happy to be together just like before.

But on the evening before our departure the airspace was closed. Iran sent 300 plus missiles over Isreal and Jerusalem was exposed. We cancelled our visit to see them as the unknown was posed, but as the miracle unfolded, not a Jew was disposed.

Chorus: Son, we love you and support your decision. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


 Last Tuesday, once more, Iranian missiles showered Tel Aviv. As before with US support Iran could not achieve.That which they so hard tried to conceive, And once more, Israel unraveled their deadly weave.

For peace in Israel will be here to stay as we celebrate the New Year that is on its way.

After the new year we have planned to see our son and family and show them we understand. G-d gave the Jew Israel and it can’t be taken or given away. 

Soon we will be together in the playlight  of the new day.

 G-d Bless America


Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785