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                          5784 IN MEMORIAM - YAHRZEIT DONATIONS

Elliot Saks in memory of his brother Bradley Saks
Allan Mait in memory of his wife Barbara Mait
Carolyn Leff in memory of  her brother David Leff
Russell Kranzler in memory of his father Albert Kranzler
Sharon Konits in memory of Irving Konits
Susan Weissberg in memory of her father Nathan Levine
Jay Kaplan in memory of his aunt Rose Kanter
Lotte Schmerzler in memory of her father Leo Stock
Sue Grey in memory of her mother Phyllis Bigel
Donna Cohen in memory of her father Ronald Butler
Lisa Klein in memory of her father Raymond Kirschbaum
Alan Multz in memory of his father Irving Multz
Edward Mintz in memory of his mother Sydell Mintz
Jeffrey Fachler in memory of his mother Evelyn Fachler
Jeffrey Halbreich in memory of his father Morton Halbreich
Ervin Hoffman in memory of his mother-in-law Rose Gluck
Ervin Hoffman in memory of his father-in-law
     Michael Gluck
Barry Weissberg in memory of his father Murray Weissberg
Ellis Ende in memory of his father Abraham Ende
Barbara Goebel in memory of her husband Bill Goebel
Ronald Cohen in memory of his father Myron Cohen
Carolyn Leff in memory of her father Morris Leff
Scott Kolpon in memory of his mother Shirley Mait
Bonnie Berkowitz in memory of her partner David Spindell
Charlotte Drogin in memory of her mother Rae Feuereman
Ira Klepper in memory of Neil Feingold
Bette Weledniger in memory of her husband 
     Richard Weledniger
Scott Rubin in memory of his father Meyer Rubin
Lori Krochak in memory of her father Joel Glass
Kenneth Adler in memory of his father Gilbert Adler
Sondra Kassimir in memory of her father Louis Straub
Anthony Cohen in memory of his father Sidney Cohen
Elizabeth Seiden in memory of her mother Ellen Hersh
Lotte Schmerzler in memory of her mother Julie Stock
Arnold Wishner in memory of his father Nathan Wishner
Michael Levitt in memory of his father Lawrence Levitt
Phyllis Phillips in memory of her mother Esther Fagin
Steven Greenberger in memory of his father Jack Greenberger
Paul Woldar in memory of his father Edwin Woldar
Karen Green in memory of her father Arthur Green
Stanley Goldstein in memory of his father
     Emanuel Goldstein
James Sherman in memory of his father Marvin Sherman
Tod Buckvar in memory of his grandmother Ruth Spitz
Tod Buckvar in memory of his father Morton Buckvar
Jackee Buckvar in memory of her father Seymour Jacknowitz
Bonnie Adlman in memory of her mother Muriel Weinberg
Brian Collet in memory of his mother Fay Collet
Barbara Smiler in memory of her father Abraham Wolkin
Barbara Smiler in memory of her husband Dennis Smiler
Matt Chartan in memory of his brother Steven Chartan
Matt Chartan in memory of his mother Renee Chartan
Ken Schuster in memory of his wife Sussan Schuster
Elliot Saks in memory of his wife Amy Saks
Elliot Saks in memory of his father-in-law Arthur Fried
Renee Tarkin in memory of  her father Jacob Scheiner
Renee Tarkin in memory of her mother Thelma Scheiner
Allen Mait in memory of his father Sidney Mait
Jeffrey Halbreich in memory of his grandmother
     Gussie Halbreich
David Lebowitz in memory of his father Jay Lebowitz
Anita Haut in memory of her father Nathan Kastan
Tami Meyerson in memory of her father Uri Limoni
Jay Kaplan in memory of  his mother Miriam Kaplan
Jay Kaplan in memory of his grandfather Kusiel Kaplan
Howard Rotto in memory of his grandmother
     Hilda Hirschhorn
Cindy Matte in memory of her father Stewart First
Cindy Matte in memory of her uncle Donald First
Larry Berstein in memory of his father Bernard Berstein
Eileen Klipper in memory of her husband Melvin Klipper
William Kassimir in memory of his father Joseph Kassimir
Lisa Cohen in memory of her father Richard Cole
Toby Stein in memory of her mother Molly Wietschner 
Ann Dorman Adler in memory of her father Arthur Dorman
Randy Geschwind in memory of her mother Marion Erger
Linda Gershowitz in memory of her mother Pearl Carpe
Jay Sherman in memory of his grandfather James Hunter
Stu Mayer in memory of his grandmother Hilde Mayer
Margot Miller in memory of her grandmother 
     Gertrude Suntag
Rande Hirsch in memory of her mother Fannie Berrafato
Andrew Rosenbblum in memory of his father
     Henry Rosenblum
Abraham Schuster in memory of his father-in-law 
     Jacob Flax
David Edelheit in memory of his brother Akiba Edelheit
Jack Eisenstein in memory of his mother Rena Eisenstein
Anita Haut in memory of her brother Gerald Kasten
Ira Klepper in memory of Lilyon Levi
Ira Klepper in memory of his mother Pearl Klepper
William Kugelman in memory of his father Fred Kugelman
Sheldon Amster in memory of Edward Popovits
Sheldon Amster in memory of Walter Amster
Parivash Glazer in memory of her father Louis Glazer
Lotte Schmerzler in memory of her husband 
     Julius Schmerzler
Alyse Cohen in memory of her mother Gilda Greenberg
Elliot Settion in memory of his mother Lucy Setton
Allison Mayer in memory of her father Steven Weissman
Scott Kolpon in memory of his father Harry Kolpon
Lisa Kuba in memory of her father Irwin Kahan
Lance Kuba in memory of his mother Adrienne Kuba
Eli Jenny in memory of his sister Stella Reiffe
Eli Jenny in memory of his father Leon Jenny
Gina Lubman in memory of her grandmother Louise Hatami
Lora Zemsky in memory of her father Martin Szmidt
David Zemsky in memory of his father Seymour Zemsky
Lisa Gordon in memory of her father Norman Klein
Sheryl Miller in memory of her father Leonard Berkowitz
Ken Schuster in memory of his mother Betty Schuster
Abraham Schuster in memory of his wife Betty Schuster
Brian Collet in memory of his father Louis Collet
Laury Weber in memory of her mother Ruth Reiff
Robert Spielman in memory of his mother Rose Spielman
Steven Greenberger in memory of his mother 
     Constance Greenberger
Paul Smolevitz in memory of his father Bernard Smolevitz
Ann Dorman Adler in memory of her mother Doris Dorman
Emil Hatami in memory of his mother Louise Hatami
Jason Schorr in memory of his mother Sheila Schorr
Jack Eisenstein in memory of his father Julius Eisenstein
Debby Eisenstein in memory of her mother Frania Ulezalka
Morton Grossman in memory of his father Jack Grossman
Barbara Rosenblum in memory of her grandmother 
     Anna Silver
Andrew Rosenblum in memory of his grandmother 
     Ressi Schwartz
Barbara Rosenblum in memory of her father Philip Friend
Allan Hollander in memory of his father Paul Hollander
Eli Jenny in memory of his sister Millie Sansolo
Eileen Gilbert in memory of her father David Elkin
Karen Camhi in memory of her father Erwin Weiss
Bonnie Rich in memory of her mother Betty Schuster
Scott Kolpon in memory of his grandmother Ida Mait
Pearl Friend in memory of her mother Anna Silver
Pearl Friend in memory of her husband Philip Friend
Kenneth Laffer in memory of his father Albert Laffer
Carol Laffer in memory of her father Ben Weiner
Elliot Saks in memory of his father Martin Saks
Sondra Kassimir in memory of her mother Fay Staub
Sondra Kassimir in memory of her grandmother
     Gussie Kline
Joshua Kern in memory of his father Eugene Kern
Andrea Levine in memory of her grandfather Hyman Schiff
Martin Pollak in memory of his father-in-law Charles Glasser
Vicki Kaplow in memory of her father Paul Kohl
David Edelheit in memory of his grandfather 
     Jack Morgenlender
David Edelheit in memory of his grandmother 
     Annie Edelheit
Fara Satin in memory of her grandfather Jack Snyder
George Serel in memory of his father Louis Srolovits
Linda Gershowitz in memory of her father Robert Carpe
Sheila Kolpon in memory of her grandmother 
     Zena Buchalter
William Kassimir in memory of his brother Stanley Kassimir
Charlene Levy in memory of her mother Rae Smolowitz
Robin Spielman in memory of her father Sam Mandelker
Norman Rich in memory of his grandmother
     Anna Fridovich
Norman Rich in memory of his father Dave Rich
Vivien Grossman in memory of her mother Edith Chinitz
Gary Schimmerling in memory of his father 
     Leo Schimmerling
Helene Cepler in memory of her father Leon Glassgold
Phyllis Edelheit in memory of her mother Bertha Bender
Karen Camhi in memory of her brother Steven Weiss
Cindy Matte in memory of her grandfather Samuel First
Cindy Matte in memory of her cousin Ken First
Cindy Matte in memory of her cousin Melissa First
Cindy Matte in memory of her grandmother Betty Dym
David Zeidman in memory of his father Sidney Zeidman
David Zeidman in memory of his mother Eda Ruth Zeidman
Cindy Woldar in memory of her sister Lori Mills
Elizabeth Seiden in memory of her father George Seiden
Cindy Woldar in memory of her father Kenneth Lohmann
Morton Grossman in memory of his brother 
     Leonard Grossman
Susan Klepper in memory of her father Alexander Levi
Carol Nevin in memory of her father Ernest A. Bachrach
Cindy Woldar in memory of her motherr Bernice Lohmann
William Kugelman in memory of his mother 
     Gertrude Kugelman
Andrew Rosenblum in memory of Veronika Riemer
Jonathan Schwartz in memory of his father David Schwartz
David Edelheit in memory of his grandfather
     Samuel Edelheit
Phyllis Edelheit in memory of her father Abraham Bender
David Edelheit in memory of his father Amos Edelheit
Renee Tarkin in memory of her father-in-law 
     Benjamin Tarkin
Andrew Weber in memory of his mother Liela Weber
Audrey Serel in memory of her mother Elisabeth Srolovits
Randy Geschwind in memory of her father Marivn Erger
Jonathasn Geschwind in memory of his grandmother
     Ethel Polansky
Eli Jenny in memory of his brother Morris Jenny
Shirley Jenny in memory of her mother Claire Rosenthal
Allan Durst in memory of his father Harry Durst
Carol Nevin in memory of her mother Eve Bachrach
Scott Kolpon in memory of his grandmother Yetta Kolpon
Lori Krochak in memory of her mom Ruth Glass
Jeffrey Sklar in memory of his mother Sora Sklar
Jay Kaplan in memory of his father Joseph Kaplan
Robin Lobel in memory of her brother-in-law 
     Robert Schwartz
Paul Smolevitz in memory of his mother Ruth Smolevitz
Andrew Rosenblum in memory of his grandfather
     Morris Schwartz
Andrew Rosenblum in memory of his mother
     Elizabeth Rosenblum
David Edelheit in memory of his mother Helen Edelheit
Hal Gerstein in memory of his father Bruce Gerstein
Anita Haut in memory of her brother Sheldon Kasten
Barbara Smiler in memory of her father-in-law Albert Smiler
Jeffrey Halbreich in memory of his grandfather
     Max Halbreich
Helene Cepler in memory of her mother Selma Glassgold
Sheldon Amster in memory of Esther Amster
Sheldon Amster in memory of Max Amster
Sheldon Amster in memory of Sadie Popovits
Arnold Wishner in memory of his wife Sylvia Wishner
Robert Spielman in memory of his grandfather
     Benjamin Spielman
Howard Fuchs in memory of his father Jesse Fuchs
Abraham Schuster in memory of his father Morris Schuster
Jeff Steinberg in memory of his father Myron Steinberg
Betsy Pollak in memory of her son Eric Taylor Strauss
Martin Pollak in memory of his mother-in-law 
     Elayne Levine
Parivash Glazer in memory of her brother Touradj Tabibnia
Jeffrey Halbreich in memory of his brother Everett Halbreich
Robin Lobel in memory of her mother Leona Chimerine
Richard Cepler in memory of his mother Anna Cepler Seaver
Roberta Ende in memory of her father Seymour Silbermehl
Mindy Smolevitz in memory of her father Irwin Jaffe
Irene Sankari in memory of Linda Farhi
Adrianne Roth in memory of her father Stephen Karlin
Barry Weissberg in memory of his mother Shirley Weissberg
Rhona Friedman in memory of her mother Dorothy Joseph
Madeline Klien in memory of her husband Melvin Klein
Ann Collet in memory of her mother Esther Kotlar
Rande Hirsch in memory of her brother Rickey Berrafato
Bonnie Weinstock in memory of her father Sol Siber
Allan Gershowitz in memory of his father Ben Gershowitz
Glenn Cohen in memory of his father Paul Cohen
Randi Kaden in memory of her mother Sydelle Kamin
Radni Kaden in memoyr of her father Howard Kamin
Marcia Jaffe in memory of her husband Irwin Jaffe
Barbara Smiler in memory of mother Lillian Wolkin
Barbara Smiler in memory of her sister Temma Wolkin
Bonnie Fachler in memory of her father Walter Lieblein
Jeffrey Fachler in memory of his father Seymour Fachler
Vivien Grossman in memory of her father Elmer Chinitz
Michael Drogin in memory of his mother Sylvia Drogin
Jill Schimmerling in memory of her mother Claire Stein
Jill Schimmerling in memory of her father Jack Stein
Allan Hollanader in memory of Daniel Hollander
Carolyn Leff in memory of her mother Harriet Leff
Phyllis Edelheit in memory of her aunt Mary C. Spiegel
Jeffrey Halbriech in memory of his mother Harriet Halbreich
Julia Harmon-Mintz in memory of her father Charles Mintz
Sheila Kolpon in memory of her mother Dolores Buchalter
Barry Berg in memory of his mother Phyllis Berg
Barry Berg in memory of his father Milton Berg
Carol Laffer in memory of her mother Jean Weiner
Amir Malin in memory of his mother Ada Malin
Amir Malin in memory of his father Ram Malin
Stanley Freundlich in memory of his sister Selma Walder
Susan Zeidman in memory of her mother Ruth Kay
Arnold Wishner in memory of his mother Fannie Wishner
Robert Spielman in memory of his father Stanley Spielman
Cindy Matte in memory of her grandfather Allan Dym
Cindy Matte in memory of her grandmother Jennie First
Cindy Matte in memory of her uncle Howard First
Sharon Loffman in memory of her father Rudy Shurack
Mark Levine in memory of his grandfather Nate Silver
Andrea Levine in memory of her brother Steven Figman
Matt Chartan in memory of his grandfather David Chartan
Lillian Berman in memory of her father Herman Hutt
Jonathan Geschwind in memory of his father 
     Harold Geschwind
Kenneth Adlelr in memory of his mother Roaslie Adler
Helene Kamin in memory of Siegmund Listwa
Mark Stein in memory of his father Henry Stein
Susan Weissberg in memory of her mother Ann Levine
Mark Levine in memory of his father Sigmund Levine
James Sherman in memory of his grandmother 
     Sophia Hunter
Scott Kolpon in memory of his father Harry Kolpon
Sheila Kolpon in memory of her grandfather Morris Bjchalter
Michael Jaffe in memory of his father Martin Jaffe
Debra Jaffe in memory of her father Seymour Bochner
Julie Ghamar in memory of her father Sheldon Elfenbein
Harold Augenstein in memory of his mother 
     Sylvia Augenstein
Alan Multz in memory of his mother Rhoda Multz
Barbara Rosenblum in memory of her grandfather Eli Silver
Pearl Friend in memory of her father Eli Silver
Debby Eisenstein in memory of her father Arthur Ulezalka
Ed Mintz in memory of his father Sol Mintz
Parivash Glazer in memory of her mother Sharifeh Tabibnia
Rhona Friedman in memory of her father Solomon Jospeh
Ellis Ende in memory of his mother Shirley Ende
Roberta Ende in memory of her mother Sonia Silbermehl
Ellen Levine in memory of her father Leon Howard
Phyllis Jencius in memory of her mother Irene Berman
Richard Cepler in memory of his father Frank Cepler
Phyllis Phillips in memory of her sister Arline Marlane
Fara Satin in memory of her grandmother Rosalyn Snyder
Richard Satin in memory of his father Jack Satin
Michael Drogin in memory of his father Abraham Drogin
Elieen Gilbert in memory of her mother Bernice D. Elkin
William Kassimir in memory of his mother Victoria Kassimir
Paul Woldar in memory of his mother Shirley Woldar
Anita Haut in memory of her mother Rose Kasten
Bonnie Fachler in memory of her mother Beatrice Lieblein
Abraham Schuster in memory of his mother Clara Schuster
Abraham Schuster in memory of his mother-in-law
     Mary Flax
Parivash Glazer in memory of her mother-in-law
     Molly Glazer
Dennis Klein in memory of his son Zachary Schnitzer
Jeffrey Halbriech in memory of his sister Ellen Sue Levy
Donald Nevin in memory of his father Marshall I. Nevin
Morton Grossman in memory of his mother Ethel Grossman
Alyse Cohen in memory of her father Morris Greenberg
Lori Krochak in memory of her grandmother Esther Drazner
David Lobel in memory of his father William Lobel
Lisa Klein in memory of her mother Berta Kirschbaum
Ellen Lowitt in memory of her father Merwyn Arche
Jeffrey Sklar in memory of his father William Sklar
Phyllis Jencius in memory of her father Barnett Berman
Wed, September 18 2024 15 Elul 5784